PR, 23rd Feb 2024: In the recent Pakistan Super League (PSL) match held in Multan, enthusiastic fans were heard chanting slogans in support of Imran Khan, echoing the scenes witnessed during the opening match in Lahore.
Fans at the Multan cricket stadium showed their admiration for the iconic figure of Imran Khan by chanting his name loudly. This display of support for Imran Khan, who is not only a former cricketing legend but also a prominent political leader, mirrored the sentiments expressed by fans during the inaugural PSL match in Lahore.
جب قوم کو “لفظ پاکستان “ کا مترادف “عمران خان “ ہی لگتا ہے تو پھر وہ “جیوے جیوے “ عمران خان کا ہی نعرہ لگآئیگی – ان کی نظر میں یہ ایک ہی صفت کے دو نام ہیں کیوں کہ عمران خان ہی پاکستان ہے#HBLPSL9 #PSL9 #ImranRiaz #ImranKhan #AdialaJail #ImranKhanPTI #ElectionResult2024 #PTI
— Sohaib Khan (@2020SrinagarPAK) February 22, 2024
The chants of “Teri Jaan Meri Jaan Imran Khan Imran Khan” echoed throughout the stadium, illustrating the love that the people of Multan have for him.
Amidst the chaos, one supporter was forcibly removed from the stadium by the Punjab Police for vocally supporting the political party associated with former Prime Minister Imran Khan.
The incident was captured on video and subsequently circulated on social media platforms, particularly X, formerly named Twitter.
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